20 Words Related to Volleyball A to Z

Here is a comprehensive list of 20 words related to volleyball form A to Z. You know, volleyball is a game that is full of various words, terms, and concepts that might seem complicated for beginners. In this glossary, we have gathered key terms and key 20 words related to volleyball that will help you better understand the game. Each term is listed in alphabetical order for your convenience.

Understanding these words will enable better communication, improve fans understanding and coaching effectiveness, and enhance gameplay. Whether you’re a fan, player, or guiding a team as a coach, mastering these volleyball words is a key step in building a strong foundation in volleyball.

Let’s get started!

Words Related to Volleyball a to z

List of Words Related to Volleyball in Alphabetical Order:


  • Ace—A serve that lands on the opponent’s side without being touched by any player.
  • Antenna—Vertical rods attached to the net that mark the boundaries of the playing area above the net.
  • Attack – A fundamental move in volleyball, where a player strikes the ball to send it to the opponent’s side, aiming for it to touch the ground or be unreturnable.
  • Attack line – The three-meter line that separates front-row and back-row players for attacking purposes.
  • Attacking hit—A strike directed at the opponent’s side with the goal of scoring a point.


  • Back row: The position of three players behind the attack line.
  • Back-row attack: A hit from behind the three-meter line, often performed by back-row players.
  • Ball – The essential piece of equipment used in volleyball.
  • Block – A defensive move where players raise their hands above the net to stop an opponent’s attack.
  • Blocker – A player responsible for blocking the opponent’s attacks at the net.
  • Block-out—When the ball touches the block and goes out of bounds.


  • Captain – The team leader who communicates with referees and teammates.
  • Court lines—White lines marking the court boundaries.
  • Coverage—Players positioning themselves to support each other during plays.
  • Cross-court attack—A diagonal shot across the court.
  • Cover – A defensive move where players position themselves to recover blocked or deflected balls.


  • Diagonal – A trajectory where the ball is hit across the court at an angle.
  • Dig—A defensive move where a player dives and uses the back of their hand to hit the ball.
  • Dive – A defensive action where a player dives to save the ball.
  • Double block—A defensive move where two players attempt to block an opponent’s attack.


  • Equipment – Items used in volleyball, including the ball, shoes, net, knee pads, and court markings.
  • Error – A mistake that results in a point for the opposing team.


  • Final whistle – The referee’s signal ending a match or set.
  • Float serve—A serve with minimal spin, making it unpredictable for the receiver.


  • Game point – A point that, if won, secures victory in a set.
  • Good pass—A well-executed pass that allows for a successful set and attack.


  • Hard spike—A powerful attack aimed at scoring a point.
  • Hit—Any contact with the ball intended to send it over the net.


  • Illegal touch—A violation where a player makes an incorrect or double contact with the ball.
  • Inbounds – When the ball lands within the court boundaries.


  • Jump serve—A serve performed with a jump to increase power and speed.


  • Kill—A successful attack that results in a point.
  • Knee pads—Protective gear worn to prevent injuries during dives and falls.


  • Libero—A specialized defensive player who can replace any back-row player.
  • Line judge – An official responsible for calling balls in or out of bounds.
  • Linesman – Another term for a line judge.


  • Match point – The point that, if won, secures victory in the match.
  • Middle blocker – A player specializing in blocking attacks from the center of the net.


  • Net – The dividing structure between two teams on the court.
  • Net touch—a rule violation where a player touches the net during play.


  • One-on-one block: A block performed by a single player against an attacker.
  • Out—When the ball lands outside the court boundaries.
  • Overhead pass—A pass executed with the fingertips above the head.
  • Opposite hitter – A player specializing in attacking from the right side of the court.


  • Pass – The action of directing the ball to a teammate, usually to the setter.
  • Pipe attack—A back-row attack from the middle of the court.


  • Quick attack—A fast offensive play where the ball is set and hit immediately.
  • Quick set—A fast and low pass to set up an attack.


  • Rally – The sequence of play from the serve until the ball is dead.
  • Rally scoring—a system where a point is awarded on every serve, regardless of which team served.


  • Serve—the action that starts a rally.
  • Service line – The back boundary line from where players serve the ball.
  • Setter – A key player responsible for organizing the team’s attacks.
  • Set—a pass used to prepare for an attack.
  • Side switch—When teams change sides of the court after each set.
  • Single block—A block performed by one player.
  • Spike – A strong attack hit with force toward the opponent’s court.
  • Stuff block – A block that results in the ball falling straight down onto the attacker’s side.


  • Tempo – The speed and rhythm of the game, set by players’ actions.
  • Timeout—a break requested by the coach or team captain.
  • Tiebreak—the final deciding set, played to 15 points.
  • Tip – A soft touch used to place the ball into an open area on the opponent’s court.
  • Triple block—A block executed by three players simultaneously.


  • Underhand serve – A serve hit from below waist level.


  • Volley – A continuous exchange of the ball between teams.
  • Volleyball drill – A practice exercise designed to improve skills.


  • Weak side – The side of the court opposite a player’s dominant hand.
  • Whistle – The referee’s tool to signal the start and end of plays.


  • X-play – A play where attackers cross paths to confuse the defense.


  • Yellow card – A warning given to a player or coach for unsportsmanlike conduct.


  • Zone defense—A defensive strategy where players cover specific areas of the court.

See Also: The 6 Zones in volleyball Explained

Now that you have learned these volleyball terms, you can confidently understand and use the key terms of the game. But there are 20 important words that you must know as a player, coach, or fan.

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Top 20 words related to volleyball you must know 

words related to volleyball

Let’s look at these 20 essential volleyball words:

1. Spike

A spike is an aggressive move where a player forcefully hits the ball over the net, aiming for it to land on the opponent’s court. It’s one of the most exciting parts of the game, as it often leads to a point.

2. Serve

The serve is how a rally begins. It’s the act of hitting the ball over the net from behind the baseline, and it can be done in various ways, including underhand, overhand, and jump serves.

3. Block

Blocking is a defensive action where one or more players jump near the net to prevent the ball from coming over after an opponent’s spike.

4. Dig

A dig is a defensive move where a player dives or reaches low to prevent the ball from hitting the court after an opponent’s spike or fast attack.

5. Set

A set is a tactical move where the ball is directed by a setter to an attacker, usually in preparation for a spike.

6. Libero

The libero is a specialized defensive player who wears a different colored jersey. Their main role is to enhance the team’s defense by receiving serves and digging spikes.

See AlsoVolleyball Positions and roles

7. Ace

An ace occurs when a player serves the ball and it lands in the opponent’s court untouched, scoring a point directly.

8. Rotation

Rotation refers to the shifting of players in a clockwise direction after the team wins a point on the opponent’s serve. It’s a key aspect of team strategy.

9. Volley

A volley is a basic skill in which a player uses their hands to hit the ball in the air, usually in preparation for an attack or pass.

10. Kill

A kill is a successful spike that results in an immediate point, leaving no chance for the opponent to dig the ball.

11. Court

The volleyball court is the playing area, divided into two equal halves by a net. Understanding the dimensions and areas of the court is crucial for strategy and gameplay.

12. Net

The net is the barrier over which the ball must be hit. It is 7 feet 11 5/8 inches high for men and 7 feet 4 1/8 inches high for women.

See AlsoVolleyball Net Heights: How tall is a volleyball net?

13. Bump

A bump, or pass, is typically the first contact with the ball, aimed at controlling it and setting up the next play.

14. Double Hit

A double hit occurs when a player contacts the ball twice in succession, which is against the rules and results in a point for the opposing team.

15. Rally

A rally is the sequence of play between the serve and the end of the point. The excitement of volleyball is often seen in extended rallies, where both teams exchange hits in quick succession.

16. Substitution

Substitution allows teams to replace players on the court with players on the bench. It’s a strategy used to bring in fresh legs or make tactical adjustments.

See AlsoSubstitution zone in Volleyball: Here is what you should know

17. Set Point

A set point is the moment in a set where one team is just one point away from winning the set. It’s a crucial moment that can determine the momentum of the match.

18. Match Point

A match point is the point that, if won, will end the match in favor of the leading team. The tension is at its peak during a match point.

See AlsoVolleyball Game or Match: Volleyball Terminology Explained

19. Serve Receive

Serve receive refers to the technique and strategy used by the receiving team to successfully return the opponent’s serve, setting up their own offensive play.

20. Hitter

The hitter is responsible for attacking the ball, usually with a spike, to score points. They play a key role in turning a well-set ball into a kill.

See Also:

Other relevant words related to volleyball that you must know

  • Attack: Any offensive action of hitting the ball to the opponent’s side with the intent to score a point.
  • Ball: The spherical object used in the game of volleyball, typically made of leather or synthetic leather.
  • Sideout: When the receiving team wins the rally, earning the right to serve and possibly gaining a point under rally scoring.
  • Assist: A pass or set that directly leads to a successful attack, typically leading to a point or sideout.
  • Error: A mistake made by a player that results in a point for the opposing team, such as hitting the ball out of bounds, making a net violation, or serving into the net.
  • Setter: A player specialized in setting the ball for attackers, often considered the playmaker of the team.
  • Centerline: The line that runs underneath the net and divides the court into two equal halves. Players must avoid crossing this line during play.
  • Cut: A sharp-angle hit that sends the ball close to the net and towards the sideline.
  • Hit: Any offensive action where a player strikes the ball, usually in an attempt to score a point or make it difficult for the opponents to return.
  • Line: Refers to the boundary lines of the court, including the sidelines and end lines. Hitting the ball within these lines is considered inbounds.
  • Outside Hitter: A position played by the front-row attacker who typically hits from the left side of the court and is involved in both offensive and defensive plays.
  • Antenna: A pair of red and white striped poles attached to the net, marking the boundaries of the court. The ball must pass between the antennas to be considered in play.
  • Contact: Any touch or hit of the ball by a player during a rally. Volleyball rules limit teams to three contacts per rally before the ball must be sent over the net.

How These 20 Words Related to Volleyball Shape the Game

These 20 words related to volleyball are not just jargon; they form the backbone of the sport. For instance, the terms “set,” “spike,” and “block” represent the core actions that start the game’s offense and defense. When you hear the word “spike,” you can imagine the excitement of a powerful attack, while “dig” brings to mind the quick reflexes required to keep the ball in play.

Understanding these terms also helps in appreciating the strategy behind the game. For example, a “libero” isn’t just another player; they are a defensive specialist whose role is critical in a team’s success. Similarly, knowing what an “ace” or “kill” is allows you to recognize when a player has made a particularly effective play.

Importance of Volleyball Terminology for Players and Coaches

For players and coaches, mastering volleyball terminology is essential. Knowing these 20 words related to volleyball can significantly improve communication on the court. When a coach shouts “set,” everyone knows the ball is about to be prepared for an attack. When players understand the term “rotation,” they can position themselves correctly without hesitation, maintaining the team’s flow.

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For new players, learning these terms might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s a crucial step in becoming proficient in the game. Coaches often emphasize these terms during practice to ensure that players are on the same page and can execute strategies effectively.

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Knowing these 20 words related to volleyball is more than just memorizing definitions; it’s about understanding the game on a deeper level. So next time you watch or play volleyball, listen out for these words and see how they bring the game to life.

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