8 Best Drills to Do at Volleyball Tryouts

Volleyball tryouts can be nerve-wracking. You want to showcase your skills, stand out to the coaches, and secure a spot on the team. The good news? Focusing on the best drills to do at volleyball tryouts can significantly increase your chances. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, mastering key drills will help you shine during tryouts.

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8 Best Drills to Do at Volleyball Tryouts

best drills to do at volleyball tryouts
best drills to do at volleyball tryouts

These best drills for tryouts focus on essential areas of volleyball, such as serving, passing, hitting, defense, and scrimmaging. These are the fundamental skills every player needs to showcase at tryouts, regardless of position. Coaches are also interested in how players warm up, communicate on the court, and respond to game-like situations. So, whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, working on these key drills will help you feel confident and prepared when the big day arrives.

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1. Warm-Up and Conditioning Drills

Before going into skill-specific drills, warming up properly is crucial. At volleyball tryouts, coaches are looking for athleticism, so starting with a solid warm-up will show that you’re prepared.

  • Dynamic Stretches: Start with stretches that get your body moving, such as lunges, high knees, and arm circles.
  • Agility Ladder Drills: Coaches love to see quick footwork. The agility ladder drill is perfect for developing speed and coordination. Move through the ladder as fast as possible with high knees, side steps, and backward sprints.

2. Passing and Ball Control Drills

Passing is one of the most critical skills in volleyball. If you can pass consistently, you’ll catch the coach’s eye. Here are some of the best drills to do at volleyball tryouts to show off your passing skills:

  • Partner Passing: Pair up with another player and focus on controlled, accurate forearm passes. Aim to pass back and forth as smoothly as possible. Coaches will be watching your ability to stay consistent.
  • Target Passing Drill: Set up a target, such as a cone or a specific area of the court, and practice passing towards it. Consistency is key here—try to hit the target every time.
  • Shuttle Passing: In this drill, you’ll pass the ball back and forth with your partner while moving across the court. This tests your ball control while on the move and helps you adapt to game situations.

3.Best Drills to Do at Volleyball Tryouts: Serving

Serving can make or break a game, and it’s also a great way to stand out during tryouts. Coaches want players who can serve accurately under pressure.

  • Float Serve Drill: Practice a float serve, which is a common serve in volleyball. Focus on keeping the ball low and fast, making it harder for the opponent to return.
  • Serving Accuracy Challenge: Set up targets on the other side of the net (cones or designated zones) and aim to hit them. The more precise your serve, the better.
  • Pressure Serving: Simulate game pressure by having someone call out specific targets right before you serve. This tests how well you can serve under stress.

4. Hitting and Spiking Drills

If you’re a hitter, this is your moment to shine. Coaches want to see not only your power but also your technique.

Approach and Arm Swing Drill: Focus on perfecting your approach and arm swing for spiking. A solid approach helps generate power and accuracy.

  • Power Hitting Drill: Work with a setter and practice hitting different sets. Focus on hitting with power and precision, aiming for the open areas on the court.
  • Cross-Court and Down-the-Line Hits: Coaches love players who can hit smart. Practice spiking both cross-court and down the line to show your versatility.

5. Blocking Drills

For blockers, timing and positioning are essential. These drills will help you sharpen your blocking skills.

  • One-on-One Blocking: Work with a hitter and practice blocking their attacks. Focus on timing your jump to meet the ball at its highest point.
  • Footwork Drill for Blockers: Practice lateral movement along the net to improve your footwork. Quick, precise steps are key to effective blocking.

6. Best Drills to Do at Volleyball Tryouts: Defense

Strong defense can win games, and coaches are always looking for players who excel in this area. These are some of the best drills to do at volleyball tryouts for defense:

  • Digging Drill: Practice digging low, fast balls from a partner or coach. Focus on staying low and reacting quickly to the ball.
  • Pepper Drill: In this fast-paced drill, you and a partner hit the ball back and forth using a combination of bumps, sets, and spikes. This helps improve reaction time and ball control.
  • Pancake Drill: Learn the emergency pancake dive, where you slide your hand under the ball just before it hits the ground. This is a great way to make last-minute saves during a game.

7. Setting Drills

For setters, accuracy and decision-making are everything. During tryouts, coaches will be looking at how well you can distribute the ball.

  • Target Setting Drill: Set a ball towards a specific target on the court. Focus on being consistent and placing the ball where it’s easy for the hitter to spike.
  • Quick Setting Drill: Work on quick sets to your hitters, showing the ability to make fast decisions and deliver clean sets under pressure.

8. Scrimmage Drills

Finally, most volleyball tryouts will involve some scrimmaging to test your in-game abilities. Here’s how to prepare:

  • Full-Team Scrimmage: This is your chance to show off your overall skills in a game-like setting. Focus on communication, positioning, and teamwork.
  • Position-Specific Scrimmage: Play in your designated position and focus on excelling in your role. Setters should prioritize accurate sets, while hitters should aim for powerful and smart hits.

See Also19 Best Volleyball Drills for Beginners


Volleyball Tryouts
Volleyball Tryouts

Mastering the best drills to do at volleyball tryouts can significantly improve your chances of making the team. Remember, coaches aren’t just looking for skill—they’re also looking for effort, attitude, and teamwork. Focus on these drills, give your best effort, and you’ll stand out on the court.

See AlsoHow to Get Better at Volleyball: Practical Tips


1. What drills should I focus on for volleyball tryouts?

You should focus on a variety of drills that test your all-around volleyball skills, such as passing, serving, hitting, and defense. Some of the best drills to do at volleyball tryouts include partner passing, serving accuracy challenges, and blocking drills. Additionally, scrimmage drills will give you a chance to show how you perform in real-game situations.

2. How can I improve my chances of making the volleyball team?

To improve your chances of making the team, focus on the fundamentals. Be consistent with your passing, serving, and setting. Also, make sure to communicate well with your teammates during scrimmage drills. Coaches look for effort and a positive attitude, so hustle on every play and encourage your teammates.

3. How do I prepare for volleyball tryouts?

Preparation for volleyball tryouts involves practicing key drills, conditioning your body, and mentally preparing yourself. Start with warm-up drills to get your body ready, then move on to skill-specific drills like passing, serving, and hitting. Scrimmage with friends or teammates to get used to in-game scenarios.

4. How do I stand out during volleyball tryouts?

You can stand out during volleyball tryouts by being a team player, showing strong communication, and hustling on every play. Consistency in your skills, like passing and serving, will also catch the coach’s eye. Additionally, show that you’re coachable by listening to feedback and applying it immediately.

5. Should I focus on one skill or be well-rounded for volleyball tryouts?

It’s important to be well-rounded for volleyball tryouts, as coaches value players who can contribute in multiple areas. While it’s great to have a specialty, such as hitting or setting, being able to serve, pass, and play defense will make you more valuable to the team.

By focusing on the best drills to do at volleyball tryouts and practicing them consistently, you’ll put yourself in the best possible position to impress the coaches and secure a spot on the team.

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