Volleyball Tryouts: Evaluation Form & Tips for Selection

Volleyball tryouts are the best approaches many coaches use in selecting qualified volleyball players to join their team, especially through volleyball drills.

If this is your first time of going on a volleyball tryout, then it might be a bit challenging and you need the right information to prepare yourself for the exercise.

To help you, I have decided to come up with this detailed article to explain what volleyball tryouts is all about and samples of volleyball tryout evaluation from, also how to prepare for volleyball tryouts.

Not just that, this article will also educate you on what to wear for volleyball tryouts, what coaches look for in volleyball tryouts and what to bring to volleyball tryouts.

Interestingly, I have added some volleyball tryouts tips and drills and have also explained how to fill the volleyball Tryouts evaluation form properly.

See Also:

What are Volleyball Tryouts?

Volleyball Tryouts
Volleyball Tryouts

In a very simple term, volleyball tryouts are volleyball assessments or exercise that volleyball coaches usually conduct to select the best players for their teams.

Activities in Volleyball Tryouts

Some of the most common activities during volleyball tryouts include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Showcasing your volleyball skills
  2. Athleticism test
  3. Fitness test and examination
  4. Teamwork assessment

Most of these activities are carried out volleyball drills, scrimmages, and assessment.

Volleyball tryouts involve a series of scrimmages, drills, and exercises which are all employed to evaluate the players’ skills, athleticism, and teamwork abilities and at the end determine whether the player is fit or not, for the team.

How to Prepare for Volleyball Tryouts

Remember that your tryouts are supposed to impress your coach. Your coach will use all that you do to evaluate your skills and athleticism and as such, you must do everything to impress your coach. Below are step by step guide on how to prepare for volleyball tryouts.

1. Keep up with Date:

The first and most important thing to do is to remember the date your tryout is coming up. It is advisable to mark this on your calendar or set alarm reminders.

2. Develop your Physical Fitness:

Remember that volleyball is a sport and every sport requires a level of physical fitness. So you must ensure you’re in good physical shape and must be strong enough to perform all the required fitness test. To build your fitness, you should focus on things like

  1. Building stamina
  2. Maintaining agility
  3. Developing jumping ability

You can try out exercises like;

  1. Running,
  2. Plyometrics
  3. Squatting
  4. Skipping
  5. And weight lifting.

3. Be Punctual

Arrive early and come prepared with appropriate attire, shoes, and equipment.

4. Prepare your Mind:

This may look like a competition and hence, can make you nervous. To overcome this, you must stay positive and focused. Never think of failure, but visualize success.

You also have to maintain a good attitude, even if you make mistakes or face challenges. Don’t get discouraged by mistakes. Train your mind to focus on your strengths rather than thinking failure.

5. Be Ready to be Coached:

It’s easier for volleyball coach to coach those who are coachable. To be coachable means you must be ready to learn, take corrections, maintain peace, and open to feedback from the coaches.

6. Practice Effective Communication

You must be able to communicate effectively with your coach and teammates and also demonstrate a good sportsmanship.

7. Develop skills:

Remember that tryouts are an opportunity to showcase your volleyball skills, so you can’t afford to misuse the opportunity.

You have to develop your volleyball skills like serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking. To achieve this, you must practice to participate in open gyms or drills with teammates.

What to Wear for Volleyball Tryouts?

You can put on any sport wear to your volleyball tryout. But it is recommended that you wear short-sleeved or sleeveless shirt, with a short that is comfortable to move in. Some of the recommendations are:

  • Volleyball shoes
  • Breathable t-shirt
  • Spandex short
  • Knee Pads

What Do Coaches Look for in Volleyball Tryouts?

Coaches will primarily want to see your volleyball skills. This is why they’ll put you through a workout that will help them to assess your athleticism and skills. Below are some of the things coaches look out for in volleyball tryouts:

  1. Volleyball Skills:
  2. Your fitness for the game
  3. Communication skill
  4. Team Work ability
  1. Volleyball Skills:

During volleyball tryouts, coaches will assess your skills in volleyball. This include proficiency in fundamental volleyball skills. They’ll assess your skills on serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking.

  1. Your fitness for the game:

It is the duty of the coach to assess volleyball players with good fitness and physical well-being. Coaches will assess your athleticism by checking out your jumping ability, vertical reach, agility, and overall physical fitness.

  1. Communication and Team Work:

Volleyball requires a high level of teamwork. As a volleyball player, you must be able to communicate effectively and also possess the ability to cooperate in teamwork. Volleyball coaches will always prefer volleyball players who:

  1. Communicate effectively
  2. Reach out for loose balls
  3. Prioritize scoring
  4. Having good passing skill
  5. Prioritize the team’s success

What to Bring to Volleyball Tryouts

Some of the most important things to bring during volleyball tryouts are:

  1. Sport wears
  2. Registration forms, or permission slips
  3. Water Bottle
  4. Knee Pads and other protective equipment

Volleyball Tryouts Tips

The most important things to keep to while going for volleyball tryouts are:

  • keep to time
  • Pay utmost attention while the coach is giving instructions
  • Heed to every instructions
  • Display all your volleyball skills and proficiency
  • Communicate effectively with other team members
  • Show leadership qualities
  • Encourage and support your fellow tryout participants

Volleyball Tryouts Drills

The most common tryout drills are serving drill, passing drill, setting drill, hitting drill, and scrimmage.

  1. Serving Drill:

The purpose of this drill is to assess your serving technique and how consistent you are.

  1. Passing Drill:

Passing drill is use to evaluate the ability of the player to receive and control serves.

  1. Setting Drill:

The purpose of the setting drill is to test your setting accuracy and how consistent you are.

  1. Hitting Drill:

Hitting drills are used to assess your attacking skills.

5. Scrimmage:

Scrimmage is used to assess a real-game perspective of your overall volleyball performance.

While embarking on a volleyball tryout, know that you are embarking on a competition, and as such, you must do everything to be outstanding and to impress your coach.

By following the information and tips above, you can stand out in your volleyball tryouts with confidence and increase your chances of impressing your coach.

Volleyball Tryout Evaluation Form

printable volleyball tryout evaluation form
printable volleyball tryout evaluation form

Are you gearing up for volleyball tryouts? We’ve crafted the sample volleyball tryout evaluation form to help coaches assess your abilities effectively.

Which is available for downloading in both PDF and MS Word formats?

Why is the Volleyball Tryout Evaluation form important?

Before looking into the details of our evaluation form, let’s understand why it’s crucial. Volleyball tryouts are often fast-paced and intense, with coaches needing to make quick decisions about player selection.

A volleyball tryout form provides a structured evaluation form to ensure that every player is assessed fairly and thoroughly based on key criteria.

What does the Volleyball Tryout Evaluation form include?

  • Basic Information: Starting with the basics. It provides fields for players to input their name, age, contact information, and any relevant team or club affiliations.
  • Physical Attributes: Volleyball is a physically demanding sport, so it’s essential to assess players’ height, weight, agility, and overall athleticism.
  • Skills Assessment: This section is the heart of the evaluation form. Break down different volleyball skills, such as serving, passing, setting, hitting, blocking, and defense. Use a rating scale or checkboxes to indicate proficiency levels for each skill.
  • Game Performance: During tryouts, players will participate in scrimmages or drills to showcase their abilities in a real-life game setting. Coaches can use this section to provide feedback on players’ performance during these activities.
  • Coach’s Comments: Finally, leave space for coaches to add any additional comments or observations about the player’s attitude, teamwork, leadership potential, or areas for improvement.

How to Use the Volleyball Tryout Evaluation Form:

  • Preparation: Before tryouts begin, make sure each player has a copy of the evaluation form to fill out. Encourage them to be honest and thorough in their self-assessment.
  • Observation: During tryouts, coaches should carefully observe each player’s performance, comparing it to the criteria outlined in the evaluation form.
  • Feedback: After tryouts conclude, coaches can use the evaluation forms to provide constructive feedback to each player. Highlight their strengths and areas for improvement, helping them understand what they need to work on to excel in the sport.
  • Selection Process: When it comes time to select the team, coaches can refer back to the evaluation forms to make informed decisions based on each player’s skills, performance, and potential.

Download the volleyball tryout evaluation form in PDF or MS Word.

Ready to streamline your volleyball tryout process? Download our volleyball tryout evaluation form now and take the first step towards assembling your dream team.

Download volleyball tryout evaluation form pdf

Download here for MS word format 

Whether you’re a coach looking to assess players or a player eager to showcase your talents, our evaluation form is your ticket to volleyball success.

Remember, preparation and evaluation go hand in hand when it comes to volleyball tryouts. With our comprehensive evaluation form in hand, you’ll be ready to spike, set, and serve your way to victory!

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