Arm Exercises for Volleyball


Arm Exercises for Volleyball: If you want to avoid injuring your hands, arms, and fingers and perform excellently in blocking, setting, spiking, serving, passing, digging, and volley, then you must learn arm exercises for volleyball.

Knowing how to strengthen your arms for volleyball will save you from injuries and improve your hitting, blocking, setting, and digging abilities.

So while I was scrolling through Reddit, I came across a player who asked this question: “I play a lot but still find my fingers and arms weak. Is there any way to make them stronger?”

The player further explained, and I quote, “I usually play 3-4 times a week and find that I jam my fingers frequently and have difficulty volleying the ball. Any tips for getting stronger arms or fingers?”

Well, here today, I bring your wonderful tips on how to get stronger hands for volleyball with these practical arms exercises for volleyball that will help you to strengthen your fingers for volleyball games, both as a beginner or a pro.

How to Strengthen Arms for Volleyball?

If you are not comfortable with your present arm performance and want to know how to get stronger hands for volleyball, then there are many hand and arms exercises that can help you achieve this.

How do I make my arms stronger?

You can make your arms stronger for volleyball by engaging thoroughly in volleyball hand and arm strengthening exercises.

Arm Exercises for Volleyball

Arm Exercises for Volleyball
Arm strengthening Exercises for Volleyball

In volleyball, having strong arms, hands, and fingers is crucial for delivering powerful hits, serves, and sets. To make your arms and hands stronger, practice the arms strengthening exercises which are important exercises for powerful hits and serves. Below are some important and effective arm exercises you should practice:

1. Bicep curls


This exercise will help you to build bicep strength for better control and power.

2. Tricep Extensions


Tricep extension exercises help to strengthen the triceps for more powerful swings.

3. Lateral Raises


lateral raises exercise will help to increase your shoulder strength for hitting and serving.

4. Resistance Band Workouts

Resistance band workouts are volleyball strength training where you can use rubber bands or tubes that resist your movements, helping you build strength and flexibility.

  • Band Pull-Aparts: this band pull exercise will help to strengthen your shoulder and upper back muscles.
  • Band Rows: band row exercises are important exercises for improving upper body strength and stability.

See Also:

Other Hand and Arms Exercises for Volleyball Players 

1. Hand Gripping Exercise

Hand grip exercises, which are also known as grip strengthening exercises, are basic volleyball exercises that involve squeezing, gripping, or grasping objects to build grip strength. Regular hand grip exercises can help improve:

  • Grip strength
  • Finger strength
  • Forearm strength
  • Hand endurance
  • Dexterity
  • Overall hand function

How to Perform Hand Gripping Exercise:

Step 1: Hold a hand gripper in one hand.

Step 2: Squeeze the gripper as hard as you can and maintain that for minutes.

Step 3: slowly release


  • Perform 3 sets of gripping exercises lasting for 10-15 minutes for each hand.
  • Increase the resistance of the hand gripper as your strength improves.

2. Farmer’s Walk Hand Exercise

The farmer’s walk is a grip-strengthening exercise that involves holding weights or objects in each hand and walking for a distance.

How to Perform Farmer’s Walk Hand Exercise:

Step 1: Hold a heavy dumbbell, kettlebell, or any heavy objects that you are comfortable with in each hand.

Step 2: Stand upright with your shoulders back.

Step 3: Walk for about 20-30 meters or 40-60 seconds or more.

Step 4: Drop the object or dumbbell, then carry it again and repeat the same process.

Guidelines: Do this exercise for about 3-5 sets, then gradually increase the weight of the object or dumbbells as your strength improves.

3. Wrist Curls

According to Wikipedia, the wrist curl is a weight-training exercise that is aimed at developing the wrist flexor muscles, the muscles in the front of the forearm.

How to Perform Wrist Curls Exercise:

Step 1: Sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell in one hand with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm facing up.

Step 2: Curl the dumbbell up by flexing your wrist, then slowly lower it back down.

Guidelines: Perform this for 12–15 repetitions for each hand and increase the weight of the dumbbell as your wrist strength improves.

4. Reverse Wrist Curls

The reverse wrist curl is a workout exercise that helps to strengthen the muscles on the back of your forearm. This exercise involves lifting a lightweight with your hand positioned behind your body.

How to perform reverse wrist curls

Step 1: Sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell in one hand with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm facing down.

Step 2: Curl the dumbbell up by extending your wrist, then slowly lower it back down.

Guidelines: Repeat the exercise for about 12–15 times for each hand and increase the weight of the dumbbell as your wrist strength improves.

5. Tennis ball squeezes hand exercise

Tennis ball squeezes hand exercise is called the tennis ball squeeze because it involves squeezing of tennis. This is a good exercise to strengthen the muscles of the forearm.

How to Perform Tennis Ball Squeezes Hand Exercise:

Step 1: Hold a tennis ball or stress ball in one hand.

Step 2: Squeeze the ball as hard as you can.

Step 3: Release the squeezed ball slowly.

Guidelines: Perform about 15-20 times for each hand, then increase the number of repetitions or use a firmer ball as your grip strength improves.

6. Plate Pinches

Plate pinches involve using your fingers to grip the outside part of a plate while your thumb grips the other side of the plate, holding both plates together firmly.

How to Perform Plate Pinches Exercise:

Step 1: Hold a weight plate (you can use a plate weighing between 5 and 10 pounds) between your thumb and fingers.

Step 2: Squeeze the plate using your fingers to grip the outside part of a plate while your thumb grips the other side of the plate and hold it for as long as possible (5–30 minutes).

Step 3: Perform about 3-5 sets for each hand and keep swapping between hands.

7. Dead Hangs

The dead hang exercise is a very common exercise that involves hanging from an overhead bar as if you’re about to do a pull-up while your body dangles.

How to Perform Dead Hangs:

Step 1: Hang from a pull-up bar with both hands

Step 2: suspend your body for as long as possible.

Step 3: Keep your grip firm and focus on exerting force on the grip.

Step 4: maintain proper shoulder engagement.

Step 5: Maintain position for 5–10 minutes.

Step 6: Perform 3-5 sets, rest for some seconds, and repeat

Guideline: Make sure to increase the duration of the hang or add weight (e.g., wear a weighted vest) as your grip strength improves.

8. Finger Extensions

Finger extension is a kind of exercise that is intended to increase the flexibility and dexterity of your fingers. The primary aim of this exercise is to improve the muscle and tendons strength in the wrists and hands.

How to Perform Finger Extensions:

Step 1: Place a rubber band around your fingers and thumb.

Step 2: open your hand against the resistance of the band, then slowly close it.

Step 3: Perform 3 sets of this exercise at intervals while repeating them for about 15-20 times for each hand.

Step 4: Change to a thicker or more resistant rubber band as your finger strength improves.

9. Rice Bucket Drills

This Rice Bucket Drill exercise is a kind of exercise where the hand is submerged in a bucket filled with rice while the hand and forearm are moved slowly in different positions.

How to Perform Rice Bucket Drills:

Step 1: Fill a bucket with uncooked rice.

Step 2: Submerge your hands deeply into the rice.

Step 3: Perform various hand movements (e.g., open and close your hands, twist your wrists, spread and close your fingers) while inside the rice.

How to Get Stronger Fingertips?

Strong fingertips are vital for setting, blocking, and controlling the ball. The easiest way to get stronger fingertips for volleyball is to engage in fingertips exercises to improve fingertip strength. Some of the recommended fingertips exercises that can help you to improve fingertip strength include:

  • Fingertip Push-Ups
  • Stress Ball Squeezes
  • Rice Bucket Drills


If you want to avoid injuring your hands and fingers while playing volleyball and you want to get the best arms, hands, and finger performance, then practice volleyball arms exercises. There are the easiest and cheapest approaches to excellent blocking, setting, spiking, serving, passing, and digging in volleyball.

See Also:


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