Discover Tips for Setting in Volleyball

Here are the 6 tips for setting in volleyball to add in your skills and technique in order to win the game.

Setting is a fundamental skill that must be well known by any volleyball player. Setting means the beginning of an attack in volleyball.

It is the technique of accurately delivering the ball to an attacking player so that they can carry out an attack effectively.

The ball is first set by a setter, and then a hitter takes over and carries out an attack. A setter and hitter work as partners on the court.

Hence, the setter must study the position of the hitter appropriately before setting the ball. He should be able to set the ball in such a way that it’s easy for the hitter to attack.

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Tips for Setting in Volleyball: Categories of Sets in Volleyball

There are about three categories of sets in volleyball, which are:

  1. First tempo sets (also called slow sets): This set is mostly carried out by novices in volleyball; the ball is usually set high in the air, and the hitter aims to attack while the ball is in the air. The hitters usually try to get the ball down to the opponent’s side by hitting it hard.
  2. Second tempo sets: This set is carried out by athletes who are experienced and not beginners. This is because the sets are faster when compared with the slow sets. Here, the ball doesn’t take time to touch down, so the hitter has to attack immediately after the ball is set.
  3. Third tempo sets (also called fast sets): Fast tempo sets, as the name implies, involve a very fast way of setting the ball and attacking at the same time; hence, both the setter and hitter have to work at high speed. A hitter has to start approaching the ball once it has been set.

It is important that a volleyball setter learn the art of setting perfectly.

It is a skill that every player should learn because other players might be in a position where they need to step in.

This article contains various tips for setting in volleyball and how to set the ball appropriately and become a good setter in the game of volleyball. Below are the tips needed to carry out a proper serve on the court in the game of volleyball.

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6 Tips for Setting in Volleyball

Tips for Setting in Volleyball
Tips for Setting in Volleyball
  1. Study the defense of the opposite team: The first step to take before serving is to study the defense of your opponent. Study the effectiveness of the blockers and where you want the ball to go. Make sure to access the defense properly before carrying out any other action.
  2. Taking the right position: It is very crucial for a setter to take the right position, which is setting both hands on the ball with the thumb and pointer forming a triangle. The knee should be slightly bent with the feet in a staggering position, and the shoulders should be over the toes when receiving the ball.
  3. Make contact with the ball: When making contact with the ball, ensure that all your fingers are on the ball. This marks your control over the ball. While making contact with the ball, ensure that the ball does not touch your palms, as this is considered a foul in volleyball.
  4. Keep your eyes on the ball: Ensure to always focus on the ball, especially when it has been passed to you. Do not take your eyes off the ball until it has been set appropriately.
  5. Pay attention to time: Time is important in setting. The setter must ensure to contact the ball at its highest point of jump to ensure a controlled set.
  6. Effective Communication: The setter must ensure that he communicates effectively with his teammates. This is to ensure that everyone understands the direction of play and also enables them to respond effectively.

Importance of Setting

Setting serves as the foundation of every volleyball game; therefore, its importance cannot be underestimated.

  1. Determines the outcome of the game: Since setting is the beginning of a game, it has a huge impact on the outcome of the game. Hence, if the setting is bad, the game is too likely not to turn out well and might end up favoring the opposite team.
  2. Enhances confidence between team members: Setting helps build confidence between the setter and the hitter. When the hitters believe that their setters will not let them down, it strengthens the team and brings about unity, which could go a long way in helping them win the game.

Setting is not just a volleyball skill, but it is one that could make a whole difference in the turnout of a game. Hence, if you want to stand out in the game, then it’s time for you to master the fundamental skills needed.

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